Tuesday, September 28, 2021

School Garden update!

 For those of you that are dearly missing your GARDEN TO TABLE sessions which we normally do on a Wednesday here's an update on the garden...

Veggies have grown really well! Ka Pai Room 1 & 2! 


Lettuce, leeks, kohlrabi, cabbage, red spring onions
green veggie delight! 
Fresh, crunchy cabbage
crunchy, fresh cabbage! 
Tried blanching and freezing - ready for term 4
had a go at blanching and freezing for term 4

recipe ideas for term 4...
Trying out a recipe for term 4!
Yumo! Thanks for the feed!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

LOCKDOWN Challenge #5 Bee Awareness Month - September

 Bee Awareness Month - September

  1. True or False? 

First correct set of answers in the comments below wins a jar of HPS honey! 

  1. If bees became extinct, humans would too. 

  2. Bees pollinate over 75% of crops that we eat.

  3. Bee colonies are slowly disappearing.

  4. Bee friendly flowers include lavender and rosemary.

  5. A bee has 100 odorant sensors, this means they have a serious sense of smell!

2) Honeycomb Pattern Challenge

The patterns below are made using sticks.

How many sticks are needed to make each picture? 

First correct answer in the comments wins a jar of HPS honey! 

3) Making Time! 

Monday, September 13, 2021

LOCKDOWN Enviro Challenge #4 Food Miles

 Food coming from overseas has a negative impact on the environment. 

This is as a result of the energy required to get it to us here in New Zealand.


Ask an adult if you are allowed to look at some of the tins and packets in your cupboard at home. 

>> Take a range of tinned foods and packets out.

>> Most food labels in NZ say the country of origin - the place where the food was made, processed or packaged. 

>>  Have a look and see how many different countries your food has come from. 

>> It can be written in different ways so read carefully! 

>> Share some of your answers in the comments box below.  

Here's some of mine ...

- Water Crackers - Made in Australia 🇦🇺 

- Watties Beans - Made in NZ 🇳🇿

- Chickpeas - Produced in Italy 🇮🇹 

Remember - it is always better to buy local food - it's fresher and better for the environment

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

LOCKDOWN Enviro Challenge #3 Take Action and WIN!

Want to help the environment AND earn a medal for doing it?

Even from your own backyard you can still help the environment! 

The Department of Conservation (DoC) would love to reward you for this by giving you a 

really cool medal for your efforts- all for FREE! 

All you have to do is choose what action from the list HERE that you would like to do. 

There's heaps of different ideas such as making a lizard lounge or growing a plant from a seed. 

Those of you that came tree planting and / or helped with the moth plant pod collecting can already claim yours! Just fill in the details online to get it sent to you. 

Here's a picture of a medal that Aimee earned (for being an awesome outdoor explorer!) 

I would love to see what enviro challenges you have decided to do so please share them with me in the comments below or email me b.long@howickprimary.school.nz 

LOCKDOWN Challenge 3.1 (TUI students) Make a Movie and WIN!

 Do you enjoy making movies?

This could be the perfect competition for you! 

Just create a movie up to 5 minutes long all about sustainability and be in to win! 

Check out the link HERE (or the picture below) to register and watch the movies created by previous winners. 

Good luck and remember to share them with me too! 

Growing our Own Vegetables

 This term, two new year 5 and 6 class started Garden to Table.  For some students this was there first time doing the programme so there wa...