Friday, October 28, 2022

Garden to Table - Room 2 and Room 7 taster session.

 Term 4 has begun and spring has arrived in the garden! 

The Room 2 students were super keen to get back to the gardening and cooking. 

This term we are able to offer the Year 4 classes two 'taster' sessions. 

Room 7 were extremely excited to have their turn!

In the garden we have been busy planting, weeding, mulching and watering. We have a lot of greens growing in the garden. I challenged the students to find FOUR produce items growing in the garden starting with the letter S. Can you guess what they are? 

In the kitchen so far we have cooked: tabbouleh, broccoli flat bread and beetroot brownies. This week we made greens and cheese fritters, leek and potato soup and lemon and white chocolate muffins.  Click on the item for the recipe. 

Growing our Own Vegetables

 This term, two new year 5 and 6 class started Garden to Table.  For some students this was there first time doing the programme so there wa...