Sunday, November 22, 2020

Beach Clean up

On Wednesday 18th of November the juniors at Howick Primary School went to Eastern beach. This all started with Miss Long teaching everyone about water and the water shortage and how the beaches are used as a fun water place. 

Miss Long also said that the rubbish on the beach is polluting the oceans. 

Some of the children thought that if we clean up the beach we can reduce pollution. This act is called empowered students. 

We got there and had 5 different activities; obstacle course, collecting seaweed to make fertiliser, playground fun, sand castles and finally, cleaning the beach. 

When cleaning the beach we found: 

  • 158 pieces of soft and hard plastic.

  • 3 pieces of wood

  • 43 pieces of card and paper.

  • 9 pieces of metal.

  • 1 piece of rubber.

  • 5 pieces of glass and 

  • 1 piece of other rubbish

So in total we found 220 pieces of rubbish

Click HERE to see the full results...

As you can see from above, over half of the rubbish was made from plastic.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 Yay!! Thank you everyone for helping us achieve our bronze award.

On the 11th of November 2020 at 11 o’clock, we were awarded the Bronze award, Cate was the amazing lady that awarded us the certificate. We were thrilled to hear that we were awarded a certificate to show we are an Enviro school. 

The Enviro team would like to thank everyone who put their hand in to help us out; we are proud of our amazing enviro art group and gardening crew. Our amazing enviro teacher, Miss Long decided to teach every class about the environment and the water shortage and how that is that affecting us. 

People that have been wrapper free, and our Compost bin monitors have contributed too. There are far too many people to name that have helped us out in this but thank you everyone and we can’t thank you enough for helping us with this project.

Here are some photos of our amazing projects throughout this year.

By Manroop (Room 2)

Friday, November 13, 2020

Enviro Art - latest update!

We made it to week 5!!! Our art group only has 3 more weeks to complete their unfinished art projects.

As you can see the art group is working really hard to get this complete. Here is the latest update.

By Manroop (Room 2) 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Tread Lightly Caravan visit

Rain water and waste water have been the focus this week as we have all visited the Tread Lightly Caravan to learn about water care, pollution and where waste should go. 

Do YOU know where things go if they are flushed down the toilet?

We have also learnt about the importance of wetlands to our waterways and how they filter the water. 

deciding where to put different kinds of rubbish ...

thumbs up - we agree!

dirty water ways in this town 
clean waterways in this town

learning how to make better choices to help with the water shortage

going on a 3D video adventure in the ocean!

making a pukeko come to life! 

looking at a stormwater drain

Enviro Art- latest update

Today Enviro Art was painting and finishing off our signs.We are making signs for around our school to show our environment areas! We have been working hard and really hope you will enjoy looking at our signs!

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...