Monday, March 1, 2021

ACTIVITY TO TRY: Making Decoy White Butterflies

A fun craft activity to do, suitable for all ages.

✓ helpful in the garden

uses recycled materials

White butterflies are a pest in the garden this time of year.

They lay eggs on vegetables like kale and broccoli. When the eggs hatch the caterpillars eat all the leaves!

By making a decoy (pretend) butterfly, the real white butterfly leaves thinking there is already a butterfly laying its eggs there.

Step 1: 
Get an empty milk bottle and draw the image on it using a vivid.  

TIP: Use a template made from cardboard if you find that helps.

Step 2:
Carefully cut it out (you may need an adult to help you) and tie thin cotton (I used dental floss) around it.

TIP: Make the thread as long as your arm so the butterfly can 'flutter' in the wind.

Step 3:
Now tie it to a stick and place it in your garden.
Hopefully the butterflies will stay away!


  1. Thankyou Miss Long, my mum and I have just started growing some herbs and vegetables so this will definitely help! I cant wait to try!

  2. I have made a butterfly out off a milk carton.
    I have placed it by our cosmos flowers.
    Haley swart

  3. I have created a butterfly out of a milk container.
    I placed it in the potplant in our garden.


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