Enviro Kaitiaki

2024 Enviro Kaitiaki

Our Year 5/6 leaders: Duncan, Tessa, Anna Rose, Millah, Samuel, Delia, Mahi, Bryn, 

Our Year 3/4 leaders: Addilyn, Hunter, Audrey, Thea, Annika, Elana, Aimee, Eden, Charli

Together these students have started to identify ways to further develop our enviro vision and initiatives around the school. 


For our whole school community to understand their impact on the planet while engaging meaningfully with the environment and to feel empowered to take action to live more sustainably. 

2023 Enviro Kaitiaki 

We are excited to share our 2023 Year 5/ 6 Enviro Kaitiaki leaders! 
These students have shown great leadership, dedication and passion over the last two terms. I am excited to see how they lead and empower others during the remainder of the year. 

* Room 17: George White, Evie Haigh
* Room 2: Jana Smith, Melinke Veldsman, Aurora McCormick, Jade Barker
* Room 3: Macy Lim Chong, Sophia Kealey, Sarah Lys Graham
* Room 4: Mahi Hiten Patel, Ruth Aumoe

This year we have offered students a number of different enviro opportunities which you can opt into.  You need to complete a form to show your interest and get it signed at home and by your teacher. Click HERE for a copy of the form. 

The enviro opportunities on offer include:

Term 1: 
- Waste Minimisation project (Year 5/6) 
- Moth Pod competition (whole school) 
- Adopt a Park initiative (Year 3/4) 
- Monitor roles (year 3 and above) 

Term 2: 
- Waste Minimisation project (Year 5/6) 
- Native Tree Planting  (Year 5/ 6) 
- Adopt a Park initiative (Year 3/4) 
- Monitor roles (year 3 and above) 

Students that show true leadership and commitment in the enviro activities they do will be appointed as project leaders and given an 'enviro kaitiaki' badge. 

2020 Senior Enviro Leaders

2020 Gardening Group (below) 

1 comment:

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...