Waste Minimisation Initiatives

Reducing Waste: 

* We have 3 coloured bins for landfill, recycling and composting in ALL areas

* We promote Wrapper Free lunches

* We recycle soft plastic 

* We recycle batteries and other e waste (electronic) 

* We recycle Nescafe coffee pods (and we are a drop off point) 

* We give away ANY items we no longer want that others might - this includes food from our edible garden. 

Wrapper Free Lunches! 
One simple way to reduce what we put in the landfill bin is to pack a wrapper free lunch for your children. 

HUGE Thanks to Paradice Botany for gifting us vouchers to give away as prizes! 

Once you get into a pattern of making a wrapper free lunch, it's easy! 

TIP: By asking your children what they want in their lunchbox, or offering a 'menu' to choose from they are more likely to eat it. 

I offer:  3 fruit or vegetables, 1 savoury snack, 1 sweet snack,  protein (chicken or sausage) and a filling food - e.g. sandwich / wrap or cold pasta.   

Simple tips are:

1) Buy BIG! 
✔️ Buy purchasing bulk bags of chippies, crackers and biscuits you are having less wrappers. 
✔️ It is often cheaper too! 
✔️ This is a great way to teach children about portion sizes. 

2) Swap some snacks for fruit and veggies 
> Tip - look out for the seasonal produce as this is cheaper and fresher. 

3) Buy a lunchbox with sections or a beeswax wrap for your sandwiches 
✔️ This makes it easier to be wrapper free by placing food in different sections.
✔️ These are both available to buy at our Wednesday after school enviro stall .

4) Try Baking! 
>  Don't have time? Try one of our jar mixes! 
✔️ These are available to buy at our Wednesday after school enviro stall .
✔️ These are still at the great price of only $5 due to the waste minimisation grant we received. 

Jar Mix Flavours Include: 
* Muesli Bar in a Jar - nut bar
* Muesli Bar in a Jar - choc chip bar
* Muesli Bar in a Jar - fruit and seed bar
* Choc chip cookie jar mix 
* Ginger cookie jar mix 
* Lemon muffin jar mix 
* Chocolate brownie jar mix 

nut bar

choc chip muesli bar

choc chip cookies

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