Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Garden to Table 2022

 Today saw the long-awaited return of Garden to Table! 

We were very impressed with the knowledge the Year 6 students has retained from last year about knife safety and use. 

In the kitchen they made bread sticks and veggies with dip. This proved very popular and there was no breadsticks left for Miss Long to try!  See below for the recipe. 

In the garden there was a huge amount of clearing and planting going on - what a transformation! What a shame I forgot before and after photos! 





  • 1 loaf sliced bread

  • 1 cup fresh herbs, such as thyme, rosemary, oregano, parsley

  • 1 cup oil (olive oil/canola oil)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt


  • Preheat the oven to 200 deg C

  • Wash and dry herbs. Pick the leaves off any woody stems, put the stems in the compost.

  • Chop the herbs finely (using a rocking motion, with one hand flat on the top blunt part of the knife)

  • Combine the oil with the herbs in a small bowl, add the salt and mix together

  • Taking 4 slices of bread, cut the crusts off, cut in half, and then cut in half in again.  Each piece of bread should make 8 pieces.  Repeat until all bread is cut in bread stick pieces

  • Place the cut bread in a wide bowl or tray.

  • Pour the herby oil over the cut bread pieces and gently mix with tongs until the bread pieces are evenly coated. (You may need to do this in batches)

  • Spread on a baking tray in a single layer.

  • Bake for 5 to 7 minutes until toasted and golden

  • Serve with your favourite dip

Friday, March 11, 2022

The Howick Primary School Whale Tail!

Our school whale tail is now finished and looks 'fintastic'! Check it out for REAL at Uxbridge Centre next week! You can also see it on the 'virtual tour' HERE or get the app on your device and give it a vote. 

The Ocean: Beautiful but Vulnerable

The ocean is full of beautiful and amazing creatures. Our students chose to represent this in our design. However, sea life is suffering and dying from plastic pollution. People need to think about ways to help; by fishing sustainably, picking up rubbish and then putting it in the correct bins. 

In the future, scientists predict there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

One the back we included images of our school 'traffic light' bin system. This shows one way we can reduce waste going into landfill and or the ocean; by putting rubbish into the correct place. 

Other ways include: 

- Having a wrapper free lunch

- Buying in bulk to reduce the amount of plastic you have

- Picking up (3 pieces) of litter when you're out and about

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Our school mini whale tail update!

 Our Y6 artists have been working hard to design and paint our whale tail. 

It is looking absolutely amazing! 

Look out for it on the trail next week and Uxbridge Arts Centre and be sure to get the app on your phone and give it a vote! 

Click HERE to learn more about the trail and get the app. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Wrapper Free Winners!

 A great way to help the environment is to have a WRAPPER FREE lunch.

We are running a competition at school and giving spot prizes out each month to the 'zero heroes'. 

Congratulations to the winners for FEBRUARY

CHLOE (Room 1)

* KAYLA (Room 4)

* KARSTEN (Room 9)

* BROOKLYN (Room 12)

You win a 'cookies in a jar' mix (so you can make yummy cookies for a wrapper free lunchbox treat! ) and a mystery prize!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Bryde's Whales & the Whale Tale Art Sculpture Trail

 Have you seen the huge whale tail sculptures around Auckland? 

Here are some beautiful ones that I have found. 

Not only is this an awesome art trail (you can download the app HERE and win prizes and discounts!) but also it's focused on educating us about the Bryde's whale. 

Did YOU know there were whales that live, year round, in the Hauraki Gulf?  

Whale population numbers are a good indicator of a healthy ocean... and, sadly, as this is declining, this suggests the ocean is not in it's best state. 

We had a wonderful presentation from PROJECT JONAH this week which give us some great tips on how we can help:

* Pick up 3 pieces of rubbish each time you're out

* Try and buy less plastic packaging 

* Have a wrapper-free lunch

Thanks to sponsorship from HARCOURTS our school is designing and painting our OWN mini whale tail.  Watch this space for how it is progressing! 

We have also set up our own whale tail trail around the school featuring a whale tail from each class! 

See how many you can find! 

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...