Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Farewell with Fruit Trees

 Tree Plantations.

On Wednesday, 14th of September we did some “tree plantations” led by our principal Mrs Callister. This is because Mrs Callister wanted to gift the school some trees since she is leaving at the end of September (AKA 30th) after being with the school for 11 years. 

She thought it would be helpful to give us some trees so we could pick the fruit from it when we did Garden to Table. At around 2:30 PM, the whole school lined up north-west of the Garden to Table area, somewhere on the hill.

Mrs Callister began her speech: 

“As you may know, I will be leaving on 30th of September  (2022), and I have 5 trees. I have these very helpful assistants that will help me to plant them.” So they worked really hard to plant the trees. I saw some students stamping dirt and watering them. 

The trees planted were: 2 pear and 3 different plum trees.

In the future we hope that the trees end up producing fruit so that we could harvest from these for many, many years to come. 

By Simon Zhou Room 4

Friday, September 2, 2022

Attention: Food Scraps in HERE!

Composting food scraps is really important - particularly to us at Howick Primary as we use the compost we make to grow more veggies for our Garden to Table programme! 

Composting is also a great way to reduce waste going to landfill and reduce poisonous methane gas release.  

Our Enviro art team have done a fantastic job of decorating our blue compost bins to make it clear to everyone what can go in these bins. These go outside classrooms for morning tea and lunch food waste. 

We have 3 different systems set up meaning we can compost MORE food waste and in different ways:

- Worm Farms,

- Layered compost system (takes ALL fruit and veggie scraps and other grains), 

- Bokashi bins (which can take meat and small bones). 

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...