Sunday, November 13, 2022

Garden to Table: Room 2 and Room 4 & 6 'taster' sessions

 As term 4 continues we have found ourselves in the lucky position to offer our Year 4 classes each 2 'taster' sessions of Garden to Table prior to them becoming involved in the programme in 2023 when they are in Year 5.  

We had much excitement building up to the sessions about what they would be doing and making in the kitchen. We have lots of produce so it gave us lots of choices! 

In the kitchen we have made: 

Week 3- Imagination salad, which looked amazing! Herby bread chips - a big hit which turned out really well in the air fryer and kawakawa biscuits.

Week 4 - Risotto - also a huge hit (see photos for the recipe), kale chips - which are incredibly easy and were also very popular and rhubarb and apple slice bars (click HERE for recipe). We pre baked the slice for the following group and group 2 made it for the garden working bee which is on the Saturday.  

We have also been giving the students some weekly challenges; 

1) Name 5 produce in the garden that starts with S.

2) How many 'Garden to Table' verbs can you think of that start with S? See below for how Room 2 and 6 got on! 

In the garden we have been busy composting, weeding and prepping for our working bee. 


NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...