Monday, February 13, 2023

Enviro Games!


These activities are great fun and educational! 

Heaps of fun games to learn while you play!

Are you an expert on putting the right things in the yellow bin? Try this quiz to find out! CLICK HERE

Find out more about recycling by watching a video HERE

Enviro Kaitiaki 2023

 It's only the second week of term 1 but we are already thinking about lots of fun, rewarding ways we can help the environment.
We are looking to set up our ENVIRO KAITIAKI team as soon as possible and would LOVE you to come and join us! 

WHAT is the Enviro Kaitiaki team?

A groups of students who meet weekly to work on projects to promote helping the environment and educating and empowering others to do the same.

2021 Enviro Kaitiaki reaching Bronze level award

WHAT are the Key Qualities of Enviro Kaitiaki?

 ✔️ A role model of the school value ‘Respect for the Environment’. (E.g wrapper free, pick up rubbish)

✔️ Responsible monitor

✔️ Willing to step up and help when needed 

✔️ Confident speaking in front of others 

✔️ Enjoy learning and sharing new skills and information (e.g. Traffic Light Bins)

2022 Enviro Art team painting the food scrap bins 

WHO can be in the Enviro Kaitiaki team?

✔️ Year 3,4,5,6 

✔️ Anyone passionate about helping nature 

✔️ Anyone passionate about being wrapper free and reducing waste

WHAT kind of things do the Kaitiaki do?

This year you can opt into different ENVIRO projects depending on your interests. 

  • Monitors - for the compost bins or Traffic Light Bins. 

Responsibilities: checking and, where necessary, emptying bins weekly. 

  • Waste Minimisation - Wrapper Free Project (Year 5/6) 

Responsibilities: supporting & educating classes and whanau to reduce the amount of soft plastic in lunchboxes. 

  • Adopt a Park Project (Year 3/4)

Responsibilities: visiting a local park (in school time) to tidy it and monitor the stream

  • Moth Plant Pod Project (open to everyone) 

Responsibilities: collecting pods in school time and out of school hours, educating classes, counting pods.  

  • Trees for Survival  (Year 5/6) 

Term 3 - more info to come later in the year. 

  • School Native Garden  (Year 3 - 6) 

Term 2 - more info to come later in the year.

2022 Tree Planting Trip

2022 Enviro Art group decorating a whale tail for an Auckland art trail

HOW do I sign up to be part of the Kaitiaki?

Collect a form from Miss Long, your class teacher or download one HERE.

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...