Friday, April 5, 2024

Moth Pod progress report!

It is now half way through the moth plant pod competition and our school has made a great impact on the spread of this invasive weed. 

This year we have also had a big focus on educating as many people as possible about this nasty, invasive weed. 

We have made a number of posters and done presentations to classes.

I'm super proud of Ciska and Aimee and Piper who went home and came up with their own activity to present to the younger students to educate them about moth pod! Well done girls! 


A matching pairs game - this helps us learn what all the different parts of a moth pod are like. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Adopt a Park 2024 Term 1

 On Friday 22nd March the Year 3/ 4 Enviro Kaitiaki group had their first 'Adopt a Park visit for 2024! 

We wanted to:

1) Get to know the park

2) Collect any moth pods

3) Pick up some rubbish. 

Sadly we found a LOT of rubbish...and LOTS of moth pods! 

We also saw a ginormous rat! 

All the rubbish we found
Lots of rubbish... not a nice sight!

Some of the pods we found... making use of a disused food caddy bin! 

Pod count for this week! 

Our favourite things were... 

making the park look clean and getting the rubbish

getting the pods over the stream

walking there

playing at the playground

trying to get those pods up really high and hard to reach - got them!  

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...