Sunday, May 3, 2020

Term 2 Week 4

Term 2 Week 4 TOP PICKS!

EDIT TO ADD... Really enjoyed making MY mandala ... here's a picture! 

FACT OF THE WEEK:  11% of household waste is plastic.  (Make sure YOU are recycling it all!) 

Activity - Make a Nature Mandala.  Want to do some awesome art! With this cool activity nature meets art!  HERE Benji from DOC shows you how. 

HERE'S some more great pictures but get creative and make it however you like! 

1. From your garden or when out for a walk, collect different natural materials - such as leaves, petals, sticks, feathers, stones. You will need lots of each type. Don't pick them from other people's gardens though! 
2. Lay all the materials out and take the time to look at each of them.
3. Group the materials by size, shape, colour etc. 
4. Find a place to create your mandala. You can do this inside or out. Either find a flat surface or work on at home, or use the sand at the beach or another outside surface. The idea that the nature mandala is not permanent, so there’s no use of glue.
5. Start creating! Place a larger object in the middle. Let the shape expand outwards with rings or layers. The nature mandala art emerges and grows through the process. 
6. Keep adding until you decides that the mandala is finished. Take a photo of it for keepsake. Or, if you’ve made a mandala outside, then revisit it over a few days and document the changes that wind, rain and sun can make to the formation.
Recipe -  Muesli bars - Click the title for lots of different muesli bar recipes!

Website - Kiwi Conservation Club,  lots of information about NZ animals as well as great quizzes, jigsaws and puzzles.

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