Monday, September 28, 2020

Sausage Sizzle # 3: Reducing Our Landfill Waste!

 More "Zero Wasting" 

Our wonderful waste crew, along with many other keen seniors have been busy again! Again, they have done a fabulous job of collecting and sorting waste at our recent sausage sizzle.  

An extra WELL DONE to Charlie who went one step further and collected all classroom bins from senior classrooms and sorted their rubbish into the correct bins too! 

The PTA continued their fabulous, mindful effort to buy 'low waste' products through bulk buying and environmentally friendly products. 

Here's the data: 

* Sausage sizzle #3 we collected: 

- 7.84kg total of 'waste'

- 7.21kg of this was diverted from landfill (recyclable, compostable)

-  7.21kg/ 7.84kg = 92% diverted from landfill

EVEN MORE than last time!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful work ensuring your community events are sustainable! I love how you're recording you data so you can track the changes you're making. Our PTA at Sunnyhills looked closely at the school disco and stopped using glow stick and drinks in plastic bottles. I wonder what changes we can make to our food sales ...


NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...