Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Water - Cultural and Religious Importance

 Water: Cultural and Religious Importance 

Auckland STILL has a water shortage and water restrictions in place.

This year, we have been learning about the importance of water in everyday life and how useful it is. 

This week the seniors have been looking the meaning of WAITAPU; holy or sacred water.

They have done some fantastic art pieces to reflect this. 

We're Going on a Bat Hunt!

On Saturday 10th October we were lucky enough to be invited along to Hunua Ranges for a bat hunt! 

This was organised by PEST FREE HOWICK and was a prize we won for our moth plant pod collecting earlier in the year. 

Thanks to Ben the bat expert, and others, we learnt heaps about the NZ native long tailed bats (like they are the size of your thumb!) and we were lucky enough to spot some flying overhead at dusk. 

We even managed to spot some kokāko - native NZ parrots. 

It was fascinating to learn about all these native creatures; now we're keen to learn more about other native animals and learn how we can protect them. 

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...