Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Prize Giving 2020


On Thursday the 10th of December Howick Primary School had their 2020 Prize Giving. 

Congratulations to all students that received a certificate, were nominated for a trophy and a big well done to trophy winners!

The Environment and Sustainability award

was very difficult to choose a Year 6 winner for

as they have all done such wonderful work with our waste minimisation programme, composting, gardening, school blog and Enviro Art this year!

A big well done to Manroop Sandhu

for receiving the Environment and Sustainability award!

Enviro Holiday message

 After a challenging year with Covid-19 and lockdowns it has brung us to the end of 2020!(Thank goodness!)

But there has been things that some people are proud about; one of those things for the enviro team is helping our school reach enviro bronze.

We are not the only ones that did it… YOU guys did lots of it!

Many of you had a wrapper free lunch and some people volunteered to help with the waste wizard bins at events.

So we want to thank you guys for helping us including all the wonderful parents for encouraging your kids and the staff!

We would like to say a big thank you to all the year 6's especially that helped us. We wish you a great time at your new intermediate and hope you keep up all your hard work for the environment.

Remember that keep up the hard work for saving the environment in the holidays and have a great holiday and a great 2021.


Jackson Barker (Room 3)

Enviro Round up 2020!


This year we have been blessed to have the most amazing team of Enviro students who worked passionately and tirelessly all year long! Their commitment has seen us accomplish so much.

I am sad to say farewell to 3 of our team members but excited for 2021!

Here's to the HPS awesome Enviro team!

Happy Holidays everyone :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Gardening Time!

Wednesday 3rd December, a lovely sunny afternoon, the gardening team met after lunch by the gardening shed wearing our sunhats and sunscreen slip, slop, slapped on! 

We split into teams and received our tasks from Miss Long.

At first I was teamed up with Roman and Malu. We had to fetch some cardboard boxes, remove the Sellotape and then give it to Charlie and Noah to line the new planter box. 

Then I joined Charlie and Noah’s team with my mum, Anita who was a parent helper. Our task was to line the new planter box and to fill it with vegetable mix. Noah scooped the mix in with his spade and I flattened it with my trowel. The box took about five big bags of vegetable mix. The bags were very heavy and my mum had to open them with my trowel because the bags may have gases inside that can be harmful. We got a bucket to keep the empty bags in so that we didn’t have to make endless trips to the bin.

One of the other teams, with Jackson, Karen (another parent helper), Anushka and Kaitlyn planted several herbs in one of the old planter boxes. Karen chatted to us about herbal tea and how to make it and also what herbs we can use when cooking various dishes, yum! 

Another team, with Kayden, Roman, Malu and Miss Long, took soil from the compost to help us fill the new planter box.

Caelyn harvested some of the parsnips. She and Harriet watered the plants in the boxes where the herbs had been planted and then all of the other boxes as well so that all of the plants got an equal share of water.

Some students found a millipede in the compost box. They picked it up and held it before putting it back, gently.

I am looking forward to seeing how our new herbs grow and excited to see what goes into our new planter box!


Year 4, Room 6

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Waste Minimisation Events

 This is our November update.

In this part you will find:

1. The School Disco

2. The Family Fun Night

3. The Waste Expo

Hope you enjoy!

Manroop Sandhu (Room 2)


At this one and only school disco on the 19th November we collected a total of:

  • 8.64 kg of waste

  •  7.87 kg was diverted from landfill.

  • This means that 91% was diverted from the landfill altogether. 

It was so shocking to us that we saved 91% of waste going to landfill that was put into the compost, recycling and even people putting things in the soft plastic bin!


On our annual Family Fun Night on Thursday 25th November we collected :

  • Total of 7.95kg of waste

  • 7.44kg was diverted from landfill

  • 7.44 / 7.95 = 94% diverted from landfill altogether

So now in total we saved 94% of rubbish going into landfill and going into the other categories like the soft plastic, food scraps/compost and recycling!

Waste Expo

On the Tuesday 24th of November 2020, the Waste Expo took place in our school hall. Since the year 5 and 6’s were at Rainbows End, the very kind Juniors decided to take our place in the Waste Expo which was a huge success. The Waste Expo was a group of companies like "Love Food Hate Waste", Compost Collective, "Clean Plate Less Waste" and many more. At this event we shared our waste minimisation successes which took a lot of effort!

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...