Saturday, March 27, 2021

Garden to Table session #2

 Wednesday, 17 March - Soup and Scones

On an autumn morning, homemade soup and scones has just that lovely nostalgic ring to it, invoking the flavours of the season. 
The Seniors at Howick Primary enjoyed the day immersed in hands-on learning. With the help of our volunteers, pumpkin from our school garden was harvested by the garden team and kitchen team sliced and diced and pureed away making super yummy soup for all to enjoy. 

Parsley from our garden provided that X factor to the cheese scones the children mixed, kneaded, shaped and baked to accompany the soup. All enjoyed together at the table - a perfect reward for the awesome effort!

Thanks so very much to our volunteers -  well schooled children and full tummies, thanks to you giving us your precious time!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

HPS Garden to Table launches!

Session #1 

Session #1 Wednesday the 10th of March saw our seniors immersed in the first day of the much awaited HPS Garden to Table programme.

The gardening team and parent helpers worked hard in term 4, getting our planters ready and sowing the seeds for the beautiful harvest that was on the inaugural menu.

What a scrumptious difference sunshine and care makes!

The Seniors were split into two groups one taking the morning rotation and the other, the afternoon. The garden was harvested for the meal they were going to make while also preparing it for future harvests. Guided by our awesome team of volunteers (thank you!!) , it was off to the hall to prepare and serve & eat ( Yummy!!!)

Kitchen safety and hygiene were at the forefront of the guidance from the volunteers and teachers, 
while the children explored their culinary potential in this nurturing environment. 

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Let's go wrapper free!

 We were very excited to finally be able to host the Clean Plate Less Waste workshop last week on Tuesday 23rd February. 

This complements our school-wide vision to be a 'wrapper free' school.

The workshop is aimed at parents and caregivers with a focus on:

*  Information on how lunch box food choices impact our health as well as the planet's

* Hands-on cooking and tasting of easy, nutritious and budget-friendly recipes that children can make too! 

* Suggestions on how to make lunchboxes environmentally friendly and reduce food and packaging waste

All ready to go with healthy, wrapper free food! 

 Everyone getting involved in the food preparation.

          Activities were practical and easy to follow.                    


Looking at the ingredients of pre packaged snacks.         

 How many ingredients do we actually recognise as food? 
This activity was a real eye opener! 

Time to sample the delicious food! Yummo! 
Recipes can be found HERE or in the RECIPE IDEAS section of this blog. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

ACTIVITY TO TRY: Making Decoy White Butterflies

A fun craft activity to do, suitable for all ages.

✓ helpful in the garden

uses recycled materials

White butterflies are a pest in the garden this time of year.

They lay eggs on vegetables like kale and broccoli. When the eggs hatch the caterpillars eat all the leaves!

By making a decoy (pretend) butterfly, the real white butterfly leaves thinking there is already a butterfly laying its eggs there.

Step 1: 
Get an empty milk bottle and draw the image on it using a vivid.  

TIP: Use a template made from cardboard if you find that helps.

Step 2:
Carefully cut it out (you may need an adult to help you) and tie thin cotton (I used dental floss) around it.

TIP: Make the thread as long as your arm so the butterfly can 'flutter' in the wind.

Step 3:
Now tie it to a stick and place it in your garden.
Hopefully the butterflies will stay away!

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...