Thursday, March 18, 2021

HPS Garden to Table launches!

Session #1 

Session #1 Wednesday the 10th of March saw our seniors immersed in the first day of the much awaited HPS Garden to Table programme.

The gardening team and parent helpers worked hard in term 4, getting our planters ready and sowing the seeds for the beautiful harvest that was on the inaugural menu.

What a scrumptious difference sunshine and care makes!

The Seniors were split into two groups one taking the morning rotation and the other, the afternoon. The garden was harvested for the meal they were going to make while also preparing it for future harvests. Guided by our awesome team of volunteers (thank you!!) , it was off to the hall to prepare and serve & eat ( Yummy!!!)

Kitchen safety and hygiene were at the forefront of the guidance from the volunteers and teachers, 
while the children explored their culinary potential in this nurturing environment. 

Bon Appetit!

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