Saturday, April 10, 2021

HPS Movie and Carnival Night- Waste Collection.


Ready for action!

On Friday 19 March, we organised a HPS Carnival

and Movie night,  we had food trucks outside the turf

and some activities to try. 

We are trying to have less waste in our school to protect

the school's environment. We sorted all the waste

to put in our worm farm or recycling.

We picked up the rubbish and put it in the right bin.

We tried putting less waste to the landfill bin.

We had 4 bins we had to sort, 

  • Recycling- yellow, 

  • Landfill- red, 

  • Food Scraps- green and finally 

  • Orange is for the soft plastics. 

We had food scraps the most and all of us were proud because there was just a little bit in the landfill. We emptied all rubbish bins in some food trucks and some people were commenting on us that we should keep it up. We also helped some people that had trouble sorting their rubbish.

FINAL RESULTS: 30kg of waste collected

-15kg of Food scraps (green)

-10kg of Recycling (yellow)

-1.5kg of Soft Plastic (orange)

-3.5kg of Landfill (red)

By: Isabella S. and Amelie :) 

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