Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Enviro Cluster & Moth Plant Pod winners

 On Wednesday the 9th of June, Howick Primary held an Enviro cluster meeting in our school hall. We had a lot of fun and a lot of schools and businesses came together to share their experiences in helping the environment. 

As Howick Primary; we shared our experiences including talking about our traffic light bin system and how the red bin is for landfill rubbish, the yellow bin is for recycling and the green for food scraps going to our compost/ worm farm. We also made a game that everyone who came would be able to play. We handed out little game packs that included a piece of red, yellow and green paper. It also had pictures of different types of litter and we asked the players to sort out the pictures onto the right piece of coloured paper. These represented the different bins. 

 In the cluster we had special people to come up and present the moth plant pod competition winners. Everyone in the hall was feeling the exciting suspense. They had a lot of different categories such as kindergartens/preschools, Primary schools, Intermediates and Colleges. In the Primary category our school came third place! We collected 2388 pods. We learnt it was important to collect these pods otherwise the seeds inside of them spread and grow new pods. These new pods strangle and kill our native New Zealand trees. 


-Emma Bloxham

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Howick Primary Garden Working Bee.

On  Sunday 27th June 2021 Howick Primary held a working bee. 

The goal of the day was to make more planter boxes for Garden to Table and cut down all the cabbage trees outside of rooms 3 & 4.


We got to work and started digging up the grass behind senior classrooms to make room for new planters boxes. We stacked the squares of grass in the staff car park.



Meanwhile lots of people were hard at work digging up the grass. Joe (Jackson & Jade's dad) was using a chainsaw to cut down the cabbage trees.

We had a break at around 11:00am. We had vegetable soup, lime and white chocolate brownie, coffee and milo. After a quick break we got back to work.

After the break we took all the roots out from under the grass that we had dug up so that weeds could not grow again.

It was not long till we packed up but we got the wooden pegs in and put the frames up for the planter boxes. Joe had finished cutting down all the cabbage trees too!

We packed up, washed all the tools we used, put them away and all headed home at around 1:00pm.

It was a nice hard working day outside doing gardening.

Jackson.B (Room 2) & Jade.B (Room 7)

Friday, July 2, 2021

Matariki Soup

 As we had so many pumpkins in our veggie garden, we decided to celebrate Matariki by making a soup. 

Bakers Delight in Howick kindly gifted us some bread and bread rolls to go with it. Our Garden to Table groups also made some lemon and coconut slice at their sessions so everyone got a tiny square of that to try too! 

Many people loved the soup and came back for seconds and even thirds! 

Find the recipe HERE. 

We left out the ginger and almond butter and halved the garlic. 

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...