Thursday, October 28, 2021

Trees For Survival 2021

 Round 3 with our Trees for Survival! 

What is Trees for Survival?

This is a nationwide programme that works with schools to help plant native trees on farms.

This helps to stop soil eroding and polluting our waterways and bring back more native wildlife to our countryside. 

EDIT TO ADD... Awesome 'real life' maths today counting how many of each tree we have to plant! 

We have approximately 1000 native seedlings to plant.
Today we had to count up what we had been given...

1) Count how many spaces there were in each seedling tray ...20 by 10 (= 200) 

2) Then count and record for each row of 20 how many seedlings did NOT germinate. 

3) We wrote this down and it gave us 10 different numbers to add together.  We used compatible numbers to help us add! 

4) Lastly we had to subtract this number from 200.  Example; 87 Manuka did not germinate. That means we have 200 - 87 = 113 Manuka seedlings to plant. 

This week our bubble students did an amazing job starting the process of 'potting up' our native trees.

They put the potting mix soil into 100's of bags ready for the tree seedlings to be planted in.

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