Friday, May 19, 2023

Year 3 & 4 students Adopt A Park

 As a new initiative this year our Year 3 and Year 4 Enviro students have 'adopted' a local park.

The park we've adopted is William Green Domain. It is on Pakuranga Highway - just a short walk from school. 

We have become kaitiaki for this park and will try our best to look after it by:

* Picking up rubbish

* Learning about and caring for native trees and animals

* Removing weeds

Visit 1: Friday 24th March 

During this visit we:  

1) Looked at the native trees and plants growing and got to know the park

2) Picked up rubbish

3) Collected a LOT of moth pods 


Visit 2: Wednesday 17th May. 

During this visit we had an expert environmental educator teaching us. Levi taught about the importance of fungi, bacteria and insects (worms) "FBI". These help keep the soil healthy. 

Soil, and the plants living in it, play an important role in absorbing water.  We learnt about worms and how they make tunnels in the soil.  The number of worms in a piece of soil tell us about the health of the soil. 

The highlights of the visit were: 

"counting all the worms" (Austin)

" finding all the worms and counting how many there was in a small piece of soil" (Hunter)

" being outside in the environment and picking up rubbish" (Daniella) 

"filling up my big bag with SO much trash!" (Shyla) 

"spotting an eel in the stream and the over-friendly chicken!" (Mrs Hays) 

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