Thursday, June 29, 2023

Garden to Table Term 2 round up!

The recent wet weather has been great for the garden! 

During this term our students have been busy growing and harvesting kai and doing an excellent job managing the compost area. The gardens are looking very organised and more and more beds are being established. This has resulted in more food becoming available, we've started to get our own lemons for the first time!  

In the kitchen students have been making lots of winter warming recipes such as risotto, soups and lemon and ginger drink. They have had clear favourites so this have been made a few times! 

We have run a number of after school veggie sales on Wednesdays which have been a great way to managed excess produce as well as make money for further pantry staples. 

For ALL the recipes from Term 2 click HERE 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Trees For Survival

This week our Year 5 / 6 Enviro students travelled to a farm to plant the native trees we've been growing and nurturing since August last year when we first potted them up. 

We always try to plant on a farm and near a waterway as the tree roots stop the soil eroding and soak up excess water.

This year we planted manuka, kānuka, karamu, ti kōuka (cabbage tree), and harakeke (flax). 

We also had the opportunity to see how a real life farm works! 

UPDATE: The Trees for Survival report has been released and details how we planted 674 native trees! 

For the report on which trees we planted see below. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Kea Learning Outdoors in Term 2

This term Kea classes have been learning about native birds and trees. They have learnt why they are so special and how to help these species. 

During these lessons we have learnt about:

* The birds we see at school - then we did a bird count.

* Our 4 whanau trees. The whanau houses are: Pohutakawa (red),  Puriri (blue),  Kowhai (yellow) and Totara (green).  

* Ways we can help attract more native birds to our school.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tui Learning Outdoors in Term 2

 Some Tui classes have been looking carefully at our whanau trees which are all planted around the school. The whanau houses are: Pohutakawa (red),  Puriri (blue),  Kowhai (yellow) and Totara (green).  

Pohutakawa in flower (December) 


Kowhai in flower (usually November) 


We looked very carefully at the leaves and wrote adjectives to describe them. 

Then we wrote descriptive sentences.  The students all LOVED this practical learning activity and produced excellent writing with a range of descriptive writing devices. 

In addition, we used the leaves to create some mandala patterns. 





Thursday, June 1, 2023

Garden to Table BAKE SALE!

We have recently done our annual Garden to Table Bake Sale.

This is a bake sale with a difference; Room 3 and Room 4 students were the bakers! 

Aside from that we have also been busy adding more compost to the garden beds, finding interesting garden bugs (friends and foes!) and celebrating Samoan language Week with delicious Samoan food and a Samoan blessing before we ate!  

Check HERE for all the latest recipes we have made too! 



NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...