Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Garden to Table - becoming a model school and more awesome work by Room 17 & 2

 We are very excited to announce that our school has been selected to be a model school showcasing our Garden to Table programme to other schools in East Auckland! 

We have started off by hosting a hui last week and inviting other schools to share some of the things we do at Garden to Table.  

We asked the students what their favourite things were to do in Garden to Table:

I love cooking! 

I love trying all the new foods.

Trying to guess what all the leaves are when we look at them on the table.

🍎🍎🍎 We have been lucky to have received a very large crate of apples! 

Many we donated to families, ate during the school day or gave to local food banks. 

We kept a good amount though to bake apple muffins and apple and rhubarb crumble! 

For all the recipes we have made this term click HERE

The ever popular herby breadsticks- great use of leftover crusts!

In the garden shed

Using some of the apples!

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