Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Garden to Table - Term 4 update

As well as our usual eating delicious kai and working in the garden, we had other exciting things happening this term;  one of them being showcasing our amazing Garden to Table programme to other schools and visitors! 

They were super impressed with our amazing chefs and gardeners and how smoothly the programme runs. 

Check out some of the delicious dishes we have made recently! 

All the recipes for term 4 can be found HERE

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Visit to a pest free island - Motuihe Island

On Sunday 15th October we went to a pest free island for being amazing at collecting moth pods. 

We all woke up and met each other at school at 7:50am and Miss Long drove us to the Maritime museum to meet with the other schools. After we started boarding the boats. 

At the island we went on a walk and started naming trees like pōhutakawa, five fingers, pūriri and more. Then we went down on the beach and ate our lunch. After we started boarding the boats again; it was around an hour and a half to get there and then back again. 

My favourite thing was the boat ride back when we got soaked! 

By Jade, Room 2. 

On board the boat

One of the other boats

On the trip we learnt about the plants on Motuihe island.  What I learnt was the difference between Toetoe and Pampas grass.  They are both kind of like flax but Pampas has one vein on the leaves and it is introduced.  What I enjoyed most was the boat trip with the big waves.  It was like a rollercoaster.  Overall I had a great time. 

By George, Room 17 

Can you spot the rare kaka beak flower?

Exploring the beach


Island walk and tree spotting

Enjoying the waves on the way back!

... even enjoying the surprise waves too!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Watch Out - There's a Rat About!

 In term 3 and term 4 the Tui students have been learning about native and introduced species. We then went on to think about pests and if we might have any at school.

We talked about the 'clues' that told us if pests (namely rats) might be at our school.

We designed our own 'tracker tunnels' and thought about where to put them to see if there was any pests sneaking around.  Did we find any footprints in our tunnels? See below... 

What other clues can you see? 

Tracker tunnel in place

Something ate the peanut butter AND the tissue!

Hmm... what animal made these footprints? 

More animal footprints

A hole... 

A gruesome discovery this week told us there WAS a rat at school. 

However the footprints in our tracker tunnels are not conclusive evidence that it went through there. 

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...