Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Watch Out - There's a Rat About!

 In term 3 and term 4 the Tui students have been learning about native and introduced species. We then went on to think about pests and if we might have any at school.

We talked about the 'clues' that told us if pests (namely rats) might be at our school.

We designed our own 'tracker tunnels' and thought about where to put them to see if there was any pests sneaking around.  Did we find any footprints in our tunnels? See below... 

What other clues can you see? 

Tracker tunnel in place

Something ate the peanut butter AND the tissue!

Hmm... what animal made these footprints? 

More animal footprints

A hole... 

A gruesome discovery this week told us there WAS a rat at school. 

However the footprints in our tracker tunnels are not conclusive evidence that it went through there. 

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