Thursday, February 29, 2024

Enviro goals and roles - 2024

Students have signed up for different enviro roles in term 1. 

Some students have even come up with their OWN roles! 

Monitor jobs and groups include:

- Collecting and emptying the compost bins 
- Checking the Traffic Light Bins each week 
- Helping collect moth pods
- Starting a new garden area 
- Helping in the native garden
- Handing out slips to wrapper free students. 

Congratulations to our Enviro Kaitiaki students.

Their role is to lead projects and speak to others inspiring and empowering them  to help the environment too! 

Year 5/ 6: Nellie, Duncan, Tessa, Anna Rose, Millah, Samuel, Delia, Mahi and Bryn. 

Year 3/ 4: Addilyn, Hunter, Audrey, Thea, Annika, Elana, Eden and Aimee, Charli and Vinny. 

More students can be added to these leadership roles as the year progresses and they 'shine' in their other enviro roles. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Traffic Light Bins - get it right and WIN!

 We are now a few weeks into term 1 and already have started some awesome enviro projects! 

We have started the year by revisiting the 'TRAFFIC LIGHT BINS' that all classes have and reminding them what goes into each bin. This is useful, especially now that all local households have a green food scraps bin and there is now new recycling rules. 

Each week monitors check classroom bins and give out scores  / 6 for bins that have the correct things in them. The classes with the highest score at the end of term WINS free lunch - either pizza or fish and chips! 

Delicious prize up for grabs! 

Pizza! Yummo!

Watch this space to see how classes are doing! 

Our veggie garden and the ENORMOUS vegetables!

Some classrooms have been out visiting the veggie garden and were surprised by what they found! 

We have 2 giant pumpkins growing in the garden

This has been used as inspiration for descriptive writing. We have also read some stories about giant pumpkins. 

While students were in the garden they watered all the veggies, and the pumpkins and tasted some tomatoes and apples that were growing there.

We have also grown SO many courgettes!  We've given some away to local food pantries for people in need and given some to the school community - we asked for a koha of a bag of flour ready for our Garden to Table programme starting soon! 

NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...