Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Traffic Light Bins - get it right and WIN!

 We are now a few weeks into term 1 and already have started some awesome enviro projects! 

We have started the year by revisiting the 'TRAFFIC LIGHT BINS' that all classes have and reminding them what goes into each bin. This is useful, especially now that all local households have a green food scraps bin and there is now new recycling rules. 

Each week monitors check classroom bins and give out scores  / 6 for bins that have the correct things in them. The classes with the highest score at the end of term WINS free lunch - either pizza or fish and chips! 

Delicious prize up for grabs! 

Pizza! Yummo!

Watch this space to see how classes are doing! 

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NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...