Sunday, March 17, 2024

Moth Pod Time!

 It's that time of year again! 

Our school is collecting moth pods! 

This nasty, invasive weed takes over EVERYTHING! 


>> Help the environment be free of these poisonous weeds

>> Help our school earn points in the local competition for the school that collects the most! 

>> Earn gold tokens for bringing pods and roots into school. 

This year we have been working hard to increase awareness of moth pods with our school community. 

We have: 

1) Had lessons about this with ALL Tui classes making posters to display at school or take home

2) Presented in assembly explaining all about moth pods

3) A 'Moth Pod' group who are looking forward to running activities with the kea classes soon. 

Our 'Moth Pod Leaders' have been busy out in the community collecting pods and roots over the last two weeks. 

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