Saturday, November 16, 2024

Visit to Wakaaranga & Sunnyhills

 We are always thinking about ways to expand our enviro programmes at school so we visited two local ENVIRO GREEN GOLD schools to get some ideas.

We went to Wakaaranga Primary School first then on to Sunnyhills Primary School.

A huge thank you to the teachers and enviro students for showing us around - you were fantastic guides. 

Our TOP FIVE favourite things were ...

1) The chickens! These were such a novelty - everyone loved the idea of this! 

2) The native bush walk and bird corridor at Sunnyhills,

bird corridor
nature trail with so many native trees

3) All the amazing art work around both schools,

art made using bottle tops

drain painting (one of my favourite ideas) 

water facts 
science meets art - labelling parts of a flower
beautiful garden and images 

4) The bee hives                                          

visiting the bee hive at Wakaaranga 

5) The bird houses

Lots of beautifully painted bird houses

lizard lounge - love the idea of the lizard sculptures

It has given us lots of ideas to think about for 2025! 

It was also great to see their set up with their hot composter at Sunnyhills; something we are hoping to get next year. 

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