Friday, August 27, 2021

LOCKDOWN Enviro Challenge #2 Baking Time!

Everyone knows lockdown is the perfect time for baking! 

Have a go at making something that will be perfect as a LITTERLESS lunch snack.

I know a few of you have already been busy in the kitchen. 

Our go to; BLISS BALLS. 


Here's out latest creation - thanks to Aiden & Dylan's mum for these.  
Click HERE for the recipe. 

THREE reasons we LOVE making bliss balls...

1) They are, basically impossible to make wrong - you just chuck it all in the blender! (add more dry or wet ingredients as needed) 

2) Use your imagination! You can make 100's of different versions. 

3) Get everyone involved! Everyone can help roll them into balls. You can pop them in the fridge if you don't get round to making them into balls until later.

Send me any photos of you baking or some awesome recipes to share and I'll add them to the blog.  


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