Wednesday, September 1, 2021

LOCKDOWN Enviro Challenge #3 Take Action and WIN!

Want to help the environment AND earn a medal for doing it?

Even from your own backyard you can still help the environment! 

The Department of Conservation (DoC) would love to reward you for this by giving you a 

really cool medal for your efforts- all for FREE! 

All you have to do is choose what action from the list HERE that you would like to do. 

There's heaps of different ideas such as making a lizard lounge or growing a plant from a seed. 

Those of you that came tree planting and / or helped with the moth plant pod collecting can already claim yours! Just fill in the details online to get it sent to you. 

Here's a picture of a medal that Aimee earned (for being an awesome outdoor explorer!) 

I would love to see what enviro challenges you have decided to do so please share them with me in the comments below or email me 

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