Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Enviro Challenges: Term 4 Week 5 & Week 6.

 Week 6 - Which Bin?    

As we return to school it’s a great time to recap where we should put all our rubbish! 

Red? (landfill)

Yellow?  (recycling) or  

Green? (composting) 


                                                              Video 1: Composting

Video 2: What Can be Recycled?

GAME: Recycle Right! 

  1. Watch the 2 videos above about the importance of keeping things out of landfill. 

  2. Play the game. What’s your score? Take a snapshot of your score and add it to your slides.

  3. Write down 3 things you should NOT put into the yellow recycle bin that were in the game.

  4. Find 3 plastic items with a number on the bottom. 

Write down the number and what the item was. 

e.g. #5 - ice cream tub. 

(hint: you’ll have to look REALLY closely as it can be tiny!) 

Week 5 - COP26.

You’ve probably heard all about this on the news and wondered what it is all about.

Countries from all over the world come together to talk about ways to stop climate change and help look after the planet. 

Read the article HERE to find out more and answer the questions. 

  1. What does ‘COP26’ actually mean? 

  2. What is the meeting about? 

  3. Where is COP26 taking place?

  4. What is ONE thing they agreed to do when they signed the Paris agreement at COP21?

  5. What are they hoping to make decisions about at COP26?

  6. In your own words, explain what climate change is.

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NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...