Saturday, April 2, 2022

Moth Plant Pod

 Have you seen THIS naughty weed?

This is moth plant pod.  It is an invasive pest weed.  It wraps around and strangles other plants. 

It has a poisonous milky substance inside (don't touch it! Or get it on your clothes!) .

Click HERE to find out more about this plant. 

Not to be confused with choko - a yummy vegetable ...  
the leaves look quite different too - moth plant pod has slightly curled leaves.  


Our school is in a local competition to get rid of as many of the MOTH PLANT POD as possible. 

The school that collects the most pods WINS! 

Last year we came third. We have already made a fantastic start in the competition (which finishes early May) and collected nearly 2000! 

Here is Jade, one of our champion collectors! (Also in the 2021 team!) 

If you see any of the Moth Plant Pod weeds let us know - email Miss Long 

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