Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Howick Primary is FAMOUS and our first ever G2T BAKE SALE!

 Exciting times at school as our Garden to Table featured on TV twice during May! 

This was to promote Garden to Table and our first ever G2T bake sale! 

Click HERE to see the video of filming session #1 Friday 13th May. 

Click HERE to see the video of filming session #2 Wednesday 25th May. 

We made so many delicious treats on the Wednesday in preparation for our first ever G2T bake sale. 
It was a huge success and we made $580. 

We used produce from the school garden (and other peoples gardens!) to make cakes, muffins, biscuits, slices and more!  

Available to buy were: feijoa muffins, carrot cupcakes, beetroot brownies, kawakawa biscuits, see in the dark ANZAC biscuits, lemon slice,  cheesy herb bites and much more! 

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