Friday, November 17, 2023

Food Scrap Bins - learning and decorating

 During week 5 our whole school watched a play about the new food scrap bins.

All households in the local area have just received these so the timing was perfect! 

As well as being very funny there were some important messages too! 

Food scraps in landfill do not breakdown easily - they can take a very l-o-n-g time to decompose. 

Composting food scraps is a great way to:

>>  Reduce the growing size of the mountain of waste Auckland householders throw into landfill each week.

>> Reduce poison methane gas emissions (these come from food scraps in landfill) 

>> Create something useful from food waste - compost! 

There's a video HERE explaining further what happens to our food scraps when they are collected.

To further promote the use of food scrap bins we offered students the opportunity to enter the 

'decorate your food caddy' competition.  In addition to this, the winning entry from each class 

decorated their own class food scraps bin. 

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