Thursday, November 16, 2023

Garden to Table - that's a wrap!

 With a busy end of term for our departing year 6 students we finished up our Garden to Table sessions for the year in week 5.

The students picked their favourite dishes to make for the last session; herby breadsticks, chocolate  brownies and fritters. 




We had some fantastic feedback from our students about the programme: 

'Thanks for making gardening so easy" 

"You made cooking fun and very easy"

"YES to Garden to Table next year'

"Garden to Table is AWESOME' 

When a group of students were asked their favourite activity this year many voted for Garden to Table.

In addition to our students enjoying the sessions; we also had some wonderful feedback from our volunteers about how much they enjoying working and learning alongside the students. 

This week we did a THANK YOU morning tea for our amazing team of volunteers. This was not only a really lovely way to thank them for their support over the year but also to catch up for a chat in a more relaxed setting. We had a fantastic turnout. Each volunteer was gifted a seedling and a 'muesli bar in a jar' mix. 

We are already planning how to make the programme even bigger and better next year! 

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