Sunday, September 15, 2024

Garden to Table COOKING with Year 3 / 4 - Room 6,7,8

 To further increase the scope of our Garden to Table programme, we have given ALL classes school wide two sessions. 

After a successful garden session, the year 3/ 4 classes are now having a cooking session using our garden produce. 

Room 6, 7 and 8 were all very excited to see what they would be making. 

We discussed why it is good to grow your own vegetables and what skills we are learning by cooking. 

"How to make healthy food" 

"It is cheaper to cook then get takeaways" 

"Food is fresher if you cook it yourself"

"We learnt skills like stirring and blending"

"It was fun as we got to eat what we made,  I felt proud as I got to eat the food I made" 

Harvesting our herbs and greens

Making bliss balls got messy!

lemon muffins

Making pizza

pizza ready for the oven! 

The finished serving!

The food gets 10 / 10!

Room 7 gives it a thumbs up! 

Room 8 al fresco eating

Room 8 made herby yoghurt dip too

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