Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Room 4 & 5 Garden to Table COOKING - Pizza time!

 To further increase the scope of our Garden to Table programme, we have given ALL classes school wide two sessions. 

This week it was the turn of Room 4 and 5! 

We were very lucky to have lots of year 5/ 6 student 'experts' that were able to help out room 4. 

As these students have been doing Garden to Table all year; and some last year they were very well versed on what they needed to do. 

First we all went to the garden to harvest some food

Two groups made pizza using herbs and fresh greens - silverbeet & spinach

We also enjoyed some fresh orange from a locals garden

Baking with an expert on hand!

Making lemon muffins

Learning how to serve up and sharing our kai

Our fabulous Year 5/ 6 G2T experts that helped out

Sat down enjoying all the food together

Recipes available on the Garden to Table & recipe page above. 

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Room 4 & 5 Garden to Table COOKING - Pizza time!

 To further increase the scope of our Garden to Table programme, we have given ALL classes school wide two sessions.  This week it was the t...