Monday, November 29, 2021

Whale Tails or Tales?

 We are super excited to be given the opportunity to design and paint a mini whale tail which will go on display in Auckland City over the summer and come back to our school for us to keep afterwards.

Whales are a sign of a healthy ocean so it is wonderful that we have BRYDE'S whales that live in the Hauraki Gulf.  However, their numbers are in decline so now's a good time to learn about these amazing creatures and how we can protect them. 

To find out more about this amazing enviro- art initiative and see which other schools are creating whale tails click below... 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Enviro Challenges - UPDATE!

It has been fantastic to see the enviro tasks you have completed as part of home learning, well done! 

Traffic Light Bins 

This week a number of people completed the 'Traffic Light Bin' task and scored a fantastic 33 points on the quiz making them a recycle legend! 

Great job to everyone who completed this task; Aaditya, Tyler, Annabelle, Keira, Linya, Dylan, Arno, Mackenzie, Celine, Elisa, Alice - thanks for sharing it with me. 

πŸ’« 🌏  πŸ’« πŸŒ  πŸ’« πŸŒ  πŸ’« πŸŒ  πŸ’« πŸŒ  πŸ’« πŸŒ  πŸ’« πŸŒ

CONGRATULATIONS to ANNABELLE  Room 17, who has now got over 200 points and earned an enviro prize! This will be coming to you in week 7. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What's growing in the garden?

 It's nearly summer time which means lots growing in the garden. 

At school we've got lots of kale, spinach, silverbeet, spring onions and herbs galore... made for a great pizza! Our bubble had heaps of fun making their own pizzas. Yum! 


Hmm... not too sure about our carrots though... 🧐 
I think they were planted too close together... not for next year! 

Aaditya shared some garden photos which are absolutely amazing! Gives me some great ideas for our school garden for Garden to Table 2022! 

I'd love to see what you've been planting - send me some pictures :)  

Enviro Challenges: Term 4 Week 5 & Week 6.

 Week 6 - Which Bin?    

As we return to school it’s a great time to recap where we should put all our rubbish! 

Red? (landfill)

Yellow?  (recycling) or  

Green? (composting) 


                                                              Video 1: Composting

Video 2: What Can be Recycled?

GAME: Recycle Right! 

  1. Watch the 2 videos above about the importance of keeping things out of landfill. 

  2. Play the game. What’s your score? Take a snapshot of your score and add it to your slides.

  3. Write down 3 things you should NOT put into the yellow recycle bin that were in the game.

  4. Find 3 plastic items with a number on the bottom. 

Write down the number and what the item was. 

e.g. #5 - ice cream tub. 

(hint: you’ll have to look REALLY closely as it can be tiny!) 

Week 5 - COP26.

You’ve probably heard all about this on the news and wondered what it is all about.

Countries from all over the world come together to talk about ways to stop climate change and help look after the planet. 

Read the article HERE to find out more and answer the questions. 

  1. What does ‘COP26’ actually mean? 

  2. What is the meeting about? 

  3. Where is COP26 taking place?

  4. What is ONE thing they agreed to do when they signed the Paris agreement at COP21?

  5. What are they hoping to make decisions about at COP26?

  6. In your own words, explain what climate change is.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Mammals or Not? T4 #4

After the 2021 BIRD OF THE YEAR competition was won by a BAT (which is actually a mammal) 

I thought it would be interesting to reflect on what actually are mammals? 

Go to THIS video to learn more about mammals then complete the worksheet below. 

You might want to print it out HERE


Well done to Annabelle, Kyle, Alice and Caleb, Dylan & Arno for having a go at this task! You all earned 50 points! 

If you collect 200 'Enviro Challenge' points this term a prize will be on it's way to you! 

SO far... 

Annabelle = 130 points

Alice Lin = 100 points...

and 50 points to Lucy, Madi, Liam, Caitlyn, Keira, Senolee, Kyle and Caleb, Arno, Dylan

Monday, November 8, 2021

Making Art from Nature T4# 3

 Check out these fabulous pictures students made using things they found in nature!

Very clever art everyone! Well done πŸ€πŸŒΏπŸŒˆ

By Annabelle R17 Caitlyn 

Alice Lin R2  Keira R17


NEW Composting System!

 Last week we were very excited to get a new composting system .  A huge THANK YOU to Auckland Council for helping to finance this and to Ca...