Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Year 1 and 2 Cooking Time!

Today the year 1 and year 2 students had their turn at cooking! 

Everyone came to the garden and collected the produce. We had spinach, silverbeet, thyme, parsley and rosemary. 

We made pizza and herby breadsticks. 

"I loved the pizza" 

" The monster green pizza was my favourite"

" It was fun grating the cheese - I wanted to eat it!" 

"Pulling out carrots was the best part - they were SO big!"

2 of our amazing Year 5/ 6 helpers 

We grow amazing carrots! 

There was lots of learning going on too! 

>  kitchen skills - such as ripping, chopping, stirring, mixing, kneading 

> naming vegetables and herbs 

> Taking turns and cooperation

> Sharing and using kind words and manners (yes even we didn't like the food!) 

See below for the recipes! 

Pizza Dough
* 4 cups of self raising flour
* 3.5 cups of natural, plain yoghurt
* 2 teaspoons of salt. 

1) Mix and make into a soft dough. 
2) Add more flour then roll our flat.
3) Add sauce / toppings 
4) Cook at 180 C for about 10 mins 

** Makes about 6 medium pizzas.  

Herby Bread Chips 
* Crusts from about 1/2 loaf of bread or more as required 
* Olive Oil
* Herbs (we used rosemary & thyme) 1 - 2 tablespoons of each. 

1) Break crusts into 2cm pieces
2) Mix in a bowl with a drizzle of oil and herbs.
3) Spread evenly on a baking tray and cook at 180 C for 10 mins or in the air fryer for about 8 mins. 

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